3) Making Super Mario Sunshine about cleaning!
A lot of people claim Mario 64 on the N64 changed platform gaming as we know it, and yes I have played it on occasion and enjoyed it, but it didn't rock my world. It was only okay. But when it got levels right, it was fun. Its all about platforming fun, which is what Mario games should be about, be it 2D or 3D. Mario 64 redefined platform gaming in the generations to come because it got all the elements right and to this day people still play it.
It was only a matter of time before a succesor was to follow, but it would follow on the Gamecube years after Mario 64, in what people thought was going to be Mario 128 and turned out to be Mario 64 and a bit.
Mario Sunshine has Mario and Peach and the gang all travel to the wonderful Island Delfino for a holiday but when they arrive they find a monster made of some strange goop on the runway and Mario is given a backpack that acts as a hose to fight the monster and clean the goop off the runway. After this is done, it is revealed that someone posing as Mario is mucking up the island and causing monsters to appear and the people of the Island believe it is Mario. So he is to continue using the hose to clean up the island.
And for the majority of the game you are using the hose to clean goop. You also use it to reach higher platforms but most of the time, cleaning goop up. So Mario's big debut on the Gamecube was about....cleaning? I know Nintendo like to masters at innovation, but that move was just plain retarded. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't bad. Its quite good, but its not a classic Mario game. It feels like an offshoot game because it doesn't feel right. In some levels, you jump througha Portal and right at the start your backpack is stolen and the level is pure platforming and those levels are the most fun in the entire game. In the following months, Nintendo heard back from the fans, we want a game of just these levels.
Now Nintendo needed a strong Mario game, because the Gamecube was the underdog in a 3 way console war, and going up against the PS2 that had the Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry series and the Xbox which had Halo, the Gamecube needed a stand out Mario Game and instead got Mario Sunshine, in which you cleaned up stuff. The gamecube never really got a good foothold in the market and only now, throught the Wii are people looking at Gamecube games, thanks to backwards compatibility.
Nintendo learned from their mistake and the next Mario platform game on the home console was Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii and this was truly the next step in Platform gaming. The game rocked and blew everyone away. And honestly it is one of the most fun games I have played on the Wii.
So that is a hint for the future Nintendo, when your making your next Mario game and you think of something innovative, put it through some focus groups first, because Mario Sunshine was a HUGE mistake.
2) Having the follow up to Kingdom Hearts on the GBA
Ever heard of Kingdom Hearts? Of course you have. Kindgom Hearts is the game that melded Final Fantasy with Disney and was a concept everyone shit on, even me. A game in which Disney and the characters of Final Fantasy meet? That's a recipe for disaster, it couldn't work, could it?
Hell yeah! Kindom Hearts is a giant slice of awesoness, and had you taking control of Sora as he venutres to different worlds to rescue his friends Riku and Kairi. During his quest he teams up with Donald Duck and Goofy and fights along side them. Again this all sounds horrible but in execution and wonderful story telling it is great, Donald and Goofy are on the search for King Mickey who has gone missing to. The plot revolves around a group of beings called the Heartless, they want to steal peoples hearts and are led by Disney villian Malificent. You travel from world to world, but really you travelling from movie to movie. There is Alice in Wonderland, Tarzan, Aladdin, Pinnochio (well Monstro the wale), Peter Pan and more. The game was well recieved and well loved, but it ended in a bit of head scratcher and we knew more was to come.
So if you waited until Kindom Hearts 2 and played through the first 3 or 4 hours you are still confused because things are in motion that didn't happen in the first game, in fact your not sure what is going on at all. Well the reason for this is because the true sequel to the game is called Chain Of Memories and was released on the Game Boy Advance. It fills in the gaps between the 2 games and is actually pretty damn important considering how much of the story is filled in.
Released it on the GBA was a huge mistake because most of the fans of the game would not have heard of Chain Of Memories, it was not marketed well and most fans wouldn't even have a GBA to begin with. I can see some of the reasons behind it, it introduced a new card based battle system and certainly was suited in some places for a handheld format, but that is because it was designed as such. It left in its wake people who had followed a story in one game on one platform confused about why the supposed sequel to the game made no sense, then Square where like "oh no, I know we called this game Kindom Hearts 2, but its more like Kindom Hearts 2.5, you need to play Chain of Memories first".
Imagine watching The Fellowship Of The Ring, then 2 years later the Return Of The King is cinemas and everyone is like, what the fuck? There's a huge chunk missing, why is Gandalf pimped out in white clothes? What are the walking tress? This messed up. But Peter Jackson says, "dudes, we released Two Towers on DVD, you need to go buy that before you watch this film, duh!".
This really annoyed me and I eventually got the GBA version but to actually play the game, I found myself distracted, and I think it was because it wasn't on the PS2. Well Square rectified this mistake and have made the PS2 version of Chain of Memories, titled Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories. However there is no real stance on a EU release of this game, it looks like Japan and USA only. So to play this on the PS2 it looks like import only.
1) Making every game into a motherfucking trilogy!
Nowadays when a game comes out, we are set into a routine of if it is good, a follow up will come out sooner or later. Its just taken as fact, Splinter Cell did really well so we have had a series built off the back of that.
Now an even more worrying trend is of Video Games being trilogies. A game comes out and when the game ends abrubtly with no real ending, we look to the maker of they game and they shrug their shoulders and say "it's a trilogy, bitch!". Assassin's Creed, Too Human, Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, they are all in the trilogy department now.
And we all know who to blame for this: GEORGE FUCKING LUCAS!
Yes that bearded bastard is the one to pin this on, because ever since he released the Star Wars Trilogy all those years ago, every child who grew up on them and now makes games has decided that they need to be like Lucas and create an "epic trilogy" to rival that of Star Wars.
Newsflash: NO YOU DON'T! If you have a story that is too big to tell in one game, make it to two, because you will run out of steam before the end and the third game will just be terrible and way too short (yes Halo 3, we're looking at you). Also do not announce a game is a part of a trilogy before the first part is even out, because god knows what will happen if the first part is shit and no one buys it (yes Too Human, we're looking at you now). Make a first game that tells a story on its own (Halo) and then decide if it is worth expaning the plot into a trilogy. The same can be said of Star Wars: A New Hope, on its own its a self contained plot that COULD and DOES lead to sequel, but had it been a flop, it could have remained as one film.
I made that choice number one because it is the one that bugs me most of all, you want to tell an epic story, good for you but don't do it at the expense of the gameplay or at the expense of someone investing the time at the end for it to have no real ending (ahem Assassin's Creed) and then expect us to wait until you churn out the second part because you have a "vision".
Well that's all for me on this post, this one was quite difficult to write to enjoy.